Hi,Friend!,here we are going to make a simple two led flasher by using transistors and capacitors.The RC circuit make the time delay for the led flasher circuit.In my opinion a beginner must star with this led flasher it may help him to work with transistor and capacitor.And it also help him to learn the basic of transistor switching and how to deal with capacitors and led.
- Transistor SL100B-2(You can use any general purpose transistor like BC547)
- 100k-2
- 1k-2
- LED-2
- 10uf electrolytic capacitor-2
When the power on,the led D1 flash once and at the same time capacitor c4 start charging.It discharge through the base of the Q1 when it gets fully charged.And it cause the switching of the Q1 and a current flow from the collector to emitter cause the led D2 falsh once and it charges the capacitor c3.This process will continue...You can make long delay by using large capacitor(22uf,100uf..etc)
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